

We present to you a carefully curated selection of the best professionals for your home in Milan, ready to meet every need with experience and expertise. From interior designers to decorators, from architects to specialized technicians, each professional has been chosen for their impeccable reputation and ability to turn your ideas into reality. Whether you’re planning a complete renovation, an interior design project, or simply need high-quality maintenance services, you can rely on us to connect you with the best professionals in the city. Welcome to the world of excellence and personalized service for your home in Milan.

Raw & Co Milano

Raw&Co is a "cabinet of curiosities," a place where different objects - from different eras and origins - come together in a sophisticated and harmonious environment. In atmospheres with a strong decorative charm, the cultural and stylistic imagination of the founders, Paolo Badesco and Costantino Affuso, respectively an interior designer and an architect, is revealed. A wide and articulated selection of vintage objects and furnishings are proposed and mixed with the assortment of numerous brands hosted in the boutiques at Corso Magenta 10 and Via Palermo 1. The spaces are organized according to precise curatorial criteria and welcome objects in line with the stylistic vision of the two creators, testifying to their continuous research work.

Penelope Interni

Penelope Interni (formerly Mercatino Penelope) is hidden in a basement of an unsuspecting residential street in the Dateo area. A fairy-tale and bizarre realm, it presents a collection of antique and modern furniture and objects with a decidedly extravagant style. Some examples? Pink flamingos the height of an 8-year-old child, giant gorillas, all kinds of lamps, neon lights, strobe balls, and many kitsch objects just right. There are also many more serious furniture pieces, both design and non-design, with a wide choice of tables and coffee tables, velvet armchairs, wooden dressers, bookcases, and mirrors - mainly from the 50s, 60s, and 70s.


made: pannelli decorativi, rivestimenti, porte, sistemi di illuminazione ed accessori personalizzabili. Insidearea mette a disposizione, durante le visite, un team di esperti in grado di offrire consulenze personalizzate e supporto tecnico e quindi assistenza nella presentazione e nella scelta dei materiali. Inoltre, Insidearea complete l’offerta con servizi di progettazione personalizzata. Nella nostra Materioteka è possibile toccare con mano e conoscere da vicino le caratteristiche e le peculiarità dei diversi materiali, scegliere i prodotti più adatti alle proprie esigenze, visionare campioni e i cataloghi sempre aggiornati . La Materioteka è una risorsa preziosa e creativa, indispenabile per la selezione e l’inserimento a progetto dei materiali più idonei, monitorando attentamente qualità e sostenibilità.

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